missionary work at uae

Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away



Ephphatha Gospel Mission is the personal evangelical movement, started with the inspiration from God.

We are delighted to engage for this mission with all responsibility and happiness to work for the kingdom of God through words, work and life experience.


Beloved in Jesus Christ,
We heartily welcome you all in the eternal love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

If we discern the signs of the time, we are in the crucial situation, where the end of this world is very near. As Jesus was reminded us, ‘‘is life more than food, and body more than the clothing,’’ (Mathew 06: 25) our priority should be to save our soul from the sin and to be saved from the perverse generation.

‘‘For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul’’ (Mathew 16: 26).

Our Lord’s warning is very clear that nothing is important than soul for a man, and a very hardship required to save our self from the sin and to be enters in to the eternal life through the narrow gate.

Concentrating on individual salvation and providing awareness to others for the same also the responsibility of every Christian.

Let us join together for our master’s ‘‘GREAT MISSION’’.


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City, address comes here

Email: contact@ephphathagospelmission.com
Phone: +1 (0) 000 0000 001
Fax: +1 (0) 000 0000 002