missionary work at uae

Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away



‘‘To open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, those who sit in the darkness out of the prison house’’ Isaiah 42: 07

Our living earth is the cursed ground because of the first man who rejected to obeying God’s commands (Gen: 03: 17). When Adam did sin, all the mankind from him also in sin, thus the sin spread in everybody.

Because of the sin in this world, devil has the ruling power and making blindness to the human race, making them captives in the prison and hiding in the darkness to keep away from the heavenly light thus not to be saved.


There are different type of sin around is clearly proving the standard of our living situation and devil’s control on it. Through the sinner, devil making wars, suicides, murder, fighting against one another and in addiction of drugs, different types of pleasures, making diseases and disabilities.
By birth in this perverse generation, we are also a part of this sinful nature at many ways and considering everything happening around us are usual and become ignorant about the devils hands on it.
But our God almighty knows about every single thing happening around of us with the deceptive work of devil and in grief. So God wants to save us from the sin through his son Jesus Christ and wishes everyone have the eternal life.
But it is the real fact that, no one could be saved and enters into the kingdom of God without obeying God’s commands. Once Adam rejected the Lordship, disobeyed God and drove out from the real life, so now it is required to believing in Jesus Christ, accepting him as Lord and obeying his commands to re- enter in to the previous place where the man had lost ones and drove out.

To accept Jesus Christ and enters to the life, it is very important
‘to release the mankind from the captivity of devil making through blindness of eyes to consider everything are normal as well as making the generation under his control through the sin and keeping peoples in the prison house to stay away from the heavenly light’ .

Ephphatha Gospel Mission also partaking the God’s mission ‘‘to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison and them sit in the darkness out of the prison house.’’


Mission of the Gospel work for salvation around the world.
Mission of proclaiming the good news around the nations.
Mission of sending the labourers around with the good news.
Mission to keeping every man perfect in Jesus Christ.
Mission of visiting the sick, praying for them and introducing the healer Jesus Christ.
Mission of leading the broken lives towards God, praying for them and supporting them to get back in the normal life.
Mission of providing warning to the peoples about the upcoming destruction of the world.
Mission of sharing the hope and joy of eternal life to others.


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