missionary work at uae

Heaven and earth shall pass away,
but my words shall not pass away



There are multitudes of people in the Christendom who are claiming as believers but many are living in sin because they never met with Christ. It is not important that a huge amount of peoples as Christian, but it is very important that how many of them are accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour also as Christ thus to be born again. The new creation in Christ only can suffer in the daily life to fight against the sin until the last moment to see the Lord who coming to gather whom is eagerly waiting for him without sin. To leading peoples towards the Saviour Jesus Christ and working to keep the believers according to the heavenly truth and standard also the vision of this work.


Beloved in Jesus Christ,
We heartily welcome you all in the eternal love of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

If we discern the signs of the time, we are in the crucial situation, where the end of this world is very near. As Jesus was reminded us, ‘‘is life more than food, and body more than the clothing,’’ (Mathew 06: 25) our priority should be to save our soul from the sin and to be saved from the perverse generation.

‘‘For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul’’ (Mathew 16: 26).

Our Lord’s warning is very clear that nothing is important than soul for a man, and a very hardship required to save our self from the sin and to be enters in to the eternal life through the narrow gate.

Concentrating on individual salvation and providing awareness to others for the same also the responsibility of every Christian.

Let us join together for our master’s ‘‘GREAT MISSION’’.



Mission of the Gospel work for salvation around the world.
Mission of proclaiming the good news around the nations.
Mission of sending the labourers around with the good news.
Mission to keeping every man perfect in Jesus Christ.
Mission of visiting the sick, praying for them and introducing the healer Jesus Christ.
Mission of leading the broken lives towards God, praying for them and supporting them to get back in the normal life.
Mission of providing warning to the peoples about the upcoming destruction of the world.
Mission of sharing the hope and joy of eternal life to others.


The holy bible consists of 66 books is the God inspired words given through the anointed body of persons for the salvation of mankind.
Father, son and Holy Spirit are the different ways of God’s involvement according to the human nature and understanding to complete the salvation of mankind is the one true God.
God so loved the world and gave his only begotten son to save through him and in uttermost effort shall not fail nor be discouraged for those have been chose in him before the foundation of the world.
Believing in Jesus Christ and baptising in Jesus’s name are essential for individual salvation. The name Jesus (YAHSHUA) is God’s name for salvation and representing father, son and Holy Spirit.
Repentance, water baptism, baptism in Holy Spirit, spiritual doctrines, fellowship, Holy Communion and prayer are the seven doctrinal pillars of the New Testament church.


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    Saji Chacko
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    John Mathai.

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